A severe restriction can sometimes be a blessing in disguise – at least when it comes to noticing beautiful sights.
So it was for much of this summer, as eye trouble encouraged me to focus on small things, close at hand.
With my better eye out of order (temporarily, I hope), and strict doctor’s orders to avoid physical exercise throughout recovery from retinal surgery, I tried to make the most of reduced vision.
With my particular type of myopia, I can see well when focusing on fine detail at very close range. Thus I spent more time than usual gazing intently at flowers in our own yard – and if I stayed motionless for a while, a pollinator often landed right in front of my eye.
These photos were taken in our back yard over the past two months, as cool and dewy summer mornings finally gave way to a real summer heat wave once September had arrived.
Since I like flowers, and I also like to eat, I’m happy to admire a wide variety of pollinators going about their rounds.
Many insects, of course, are in precipitous decline. In this locale that certainly seems to apply to dragonflies. I was pleased to spot this Green Darner resting on the still-wet grass on a chilly morning – and especially pleased that it took to the air once the sun had warmed it and given it strength.
I gazed at this dragonfly through my one good eye, while it gazed back with its thousands.
Truly a sight for sore eyes.