Common Tern on paddle board

Surf culture at Port Darlington

Before I moved to Port Darlington I was told that yoga-on-stand-up-paddle-board was popular here, but I had no idea how varied this behaviour might be.

Herewith are just a few of the remarkable characters I have had the privilege of meeting out on the waves.

I will leave it to the ornithologists to explain the evolutionary advantages of these practices.

Canada Geese and Night Heron on paddle board.

Branta canadensis and young Nycticorax nycticorax

Mute Swan on paddle board.

Cygnus olor

Double crested cormorant and juvenile night heron on paddle board.

Phalacrocorax auritus and juvenile Nycticorax nycticorax

Great Blue Heron on paddle board.

Ardea herodias

Common Tern on paddle board

Sterna hirundo

All components of these photos were shot on location in Port Darlington, Lake Ontario. No birds or paddle boards were harmed during filming. All models were paid union scale. You can go out and ask them yourselves, some other day, but they all take a paid holiday on April Fool’s Day.